But it is an extremely flawed film with problems all over the place. It has some fun sequences, Andrew Garfield is again great as the character of Spider-Man and it does have some good moments. Overall The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is mediocre at best. Other gripes I had was the choice of songs in scenes, character logic and villain motivation, and the fact that it was painfully obvious that they were trying to set up a Sinister Six movie and universe. Paul Giamatti is way too over the top as Rhino and he is humiliated in the beginning and he only comes back for the end of the movie, the trailers pretty much lied to you and it was really disappointing. Also Rhino is by far the worst handled villain in this movie. The story is pretty convoluted and all over the place. The romance while at times good, the dialogue needed some work. But overall he's the best villain in the movie even though he only shows up as Green Goblin in the last minute. what the hell man! He was trying way too hard to be like Willem Dafoe Green Goblin and it just comes off as forced and hilarious. Dane DeHann as Harry Osborn he was alright, but very over the top at times and when he turns into Green Goblin. The best I can say about him was that he was okay, but he had like no legit motivation. Electro is poorly portrayed by Jamie Foxx, I love Jamie Foxx, he's a great actor but he just wasn't very good as Electro. First off this film has pretty bad dialogue and writing. Now all of that out of the way I'm gonna explain what I didn't like. Gwen Stacy's death even though it was predictable was very sad. The scenes with Spider-Man swinging around is well shot.

All the cast from the previous film are really good especially Andrew Garfield who still does a good job as Spider-Man not so much as Peter Parker though. My favourite one is the Electro fight at the plant, lots of fun with slow mo action.

Let me explain what I liked and disliked.

It's not an awful movie but its just very flawed. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the worst Spider-Man movie I've ever seen.